Basin Wide Refill Issue
(Before SRBA Court)
In an attempt to put a stop to the States' activities that jeopardize water rights in the valley, irrigation districts/ditch companies filed a motion for summary judgment on the issue with Special Master Booth of the Snake River Basin Adjudication Court (SRBA), asking him to uphold the water (property) rights of irrigation entities. This motion was also filed to ensure the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) abides by long-standing Idaho irrigation law, determining when storage water rights are considered “full.” His decision is below:
Special Master Booth's decision on the Ditch Companies' Motion for Summary Judgment
Late Claims Case
(Before the Idaho Dept. of Water Resources)
The IDWR held its own administrative hearings on the issue and Director Gary Spackman issued his decision opposing Special Master Booth’s decision.
IDWR Director Spackman's decision from his own administrative hearing
Irrigation districts/ditch companies have filed a Petition for Reconsideration with the IDWR.
Ditch Companies’ Petition for Reconsideration
The Director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources has denied the Ditch Companies Petition for Reconsideration.
You can read the Director's decision here.
Boise River Basin Storage Water Rights Refill Issue
How You Can Help Protect Treasure Valley Water Rights
Go to the Treasure Valley Water Users website and use one of their template letters to let Governor Little & the Idaho Attorney General know that you want them to STAND DOWN on their unwarranted attacks on Idaho water rights.
As we have more information on the issue, we will post it here. Please refer to the Treasure Valley Water User’s Association for additional information such as media coverage and interviews that contain more details on how the issue affects every water user in the Treasure Valley. Questions can be directed to them through their website at
History of the Issue:
In an effort to provide history and insight on this issue and how it impacts water users, we’ve posted a link below to a document on the Treasure Valley Water User’s Association website. This will give you a good understanding of the issue at hand and why it is critically important to the entire Treasure Valley.
Boise River Basin Storage Water Rights Refill Issue
The issue has take two different tracks to resolution - one through the Snake River Basin Adjudication Court and one through the Idaho Department of Water Resources. They have different names in the different venues, but the heart of both is the same. The tracks are listed below, along with pertinent information from each.
We've listed them on their separate tracks so you can follow each simultaneously. However, it is anticipated that they will converge back into one case/track as it makes its way to the Idaho Supreme Court.